JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - BlackBerry Indonesia membantah
kabar yang menyebut pihaknya memberi hak eksklusif kepada salah satu
operator seluler dalam menjual ponsel pintar BlackBerry Z10 di
PR Manager BlackBerry Indonesia Yolanda Nainggolan,
mengatakan, semua operator seluler boleh menawarkan BlackBerry Z10.
"Kita kerjasama dengan semua operator seluler. Dan operator seluler akan
mengumumkan program untuk BlackBerry 10 setelah kami merilis BlackBerry
Z10 tanggal 4 Maret," katanya.
Yolanda menjelaskan, isu yang
menyebut BlackBerry memberi hak eksklusif kepada Telkomsel dalam
penjualan BlackBerry Z10, adalah tidak benar. "Jadi isu yang berkembang
tidak benar," tegas Yolanda.
Sebelumnya, ada kabar yang menyebut
bahwa Telkomsel mendapat kesempatan lebih dulu menjual BlackBerry Z10 di
Indonesia. Pihak Telkomsel pun memberi tanda ada sedikit keistimewaan
yang diterimanya.
"Tidak eksklusif dalam artian operator lain tidak bisa jual atau bundling
BlackBerry Z10, karena tidak mungkin BlackBerry ingin kehilangan
sebagian pasarnya di Indonesia. Tetapi pasti lebih banyak untungnya jadi
pelanggan Telkomsel," ujar Arief Pradetya, Division Head Device
Bundling and Customization Strategy Telkomsel.
BlackBerry Z10
akan dihargai Rp 6.999.000 di Indonesia. Operator seluler lainnya, yakni
Indosat, XL Axiata dan Axis, telah menyatakan kesiapannya menjual
BlackBerry Z10. Ia adalah ponsel pertama yang menggunakan sistem operasi
BlackBerry 10.
Berbeda dengan sistem operasi BlackBerry versi OS
7 dan di bawahnya, BlackBerry 10 dibangun di atas inti program (kernel)
QNX yang memberi performa lebih baik. Hal ini membuat ponsel BlackBerry
lawas tidak bisa memperbarui sistem operasi ke BlackBerry 10.
ponsel BlackBerry 10 tak perlu lagi berlangganan BlackBerry Internet
Service (BIS) agar bisa terkoneksi internet untuk memakai layanan mulai
dari e-mail, jejaring sosial, browsing, hingga
BlackBerry Messenger (BBM). Pengguna BlackBerry 10 cukup berlangganan
layanan data dari operator seluler untuk semua aktivitas yang
berhubungan dengan internet
Scout Girls !
6:58 PM |
Scouting is fun. Two years in a row, I always Scouts participating in the race both the district and sub-district levels.
Competitions in which I participated, among others Contest SCC in high school 01 Lawang, Malang 07 competitions in high school, then the Saturday race I attended was at the International High School Tlagawaru, Malang.
The race starts at 08.00 until 15.00. Son team got the number of participants 13, while Team daughter got number 26. However, teams are invited to demonstrate his skill daughter first. Team finally Tulip of SMPK Santa Maria 2 advanced to appear. In the middle of the race are quite heavy rain, so the location was moved into the school hall. Finally son team forward. after that, we went home, without waiting for the announcement pemenag. Because it was getting late.
And the next day, it was announced that both son and daughter team nobody wins. We were quite sad, but we can accept defeat gracefully....
Competitions in which I participated, among others Contest SCC in high school 01 Lawang, Malang 07 competitions in high school, then the Saturday race I attended was at the International High School Tlagawaru, Malang.
The race starts at 08.00 until 15.00. Son team got the number of participants 13, while Team daughter got number 26. However, teams are invited to demonstrate his skill daughter first. Team finally Tulip of SMPK Santa Maria 2 advanced to appear. In the middle of the race are quite heavy rain, so the location was moved into the school hall. Finally son team forward. after that, we went home, without waiting for the announcement pemenag. Because it was getting late.
And the next day, it was announced that both son and daughter team nobody wins. We were quite sad, but we can accept defeat gracefully....
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Vei Lau Chatin!
6:44 PM |
Vira's Bornday |
Vira's Bornday |
Name of Vei Lau Chatin itself derived from an abbreviation for the boys.
We are always together in joy and sorrow, always supportive, and open to each other, if there is a problem between members, are always resolved amicably.
This group is a group of positive, do not harm other people around us.
I am very lucky to be one member of VLC!
It was a glimpse of us ..
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Need Decoration Cakes? Check it out !
7:38 PM |
Rice Krispies Wedding Cake
If you want to put a fun, child-like spin on your wedding, go for the gusto with a rice krispies treat wedding cake. You’ll need extra deep cake pans to pull this off, or enlist the help of a professional baker. Your cake shape and décor are limited only by your imagination. Drizzle chocolate syrup over each layer for a sweet and savory contrast, or add fresh fruit such as blueberries and strawberries. You can also decorate the sheets of sweet rice krispies treats with icing or edible cake accessories. Don’t forget the traditional bride and groom on top if you want to add a traditional twist to this one-of-a-kind cake.
If you want to put a fun, child-like spin on your wedding, go for the gusto with a rice krispies treat wedding cake. You’ll need extra deep cake pans to pull this off, or enlist the help of a professional baker. Your cake shape and décor are limited only by your imagination. Drizzle chocolate syrup over each layer for a sweet and savory contrast, or add fresh fruit such as blueberries and strawberries. You can also decorate the sheets of sweet rice krispies treats with icing or edible cake accessories. Don’t forget the traditional bride and groom on top if you want to add a traditional twist to this one-of-a-kind cake.
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